
Jakarta, Monday, April 17 2006

Yesterday was my ordinary day until something happened. My steps toward At Tin Mosque were just ordinary steps until they stopped. Yeah… my steps were stopped by a stranger. Someone from South Korea name Lee Seungjae.

A tall-oriental looked guy with his big back packed and camera addressed me while I was walking in a hurry toward At Tin Mosque.

“Excuse me, can I get in there?” asked Lee
“But the gate is closed… Is there another enterance?”

Finally I became his instant tour guide. He asked some questions about Islam. He really wanted to take my picture. Interesting Lee. A cute guy with big curiousity, friendly and polite stranger. Lucky me to know Lee.

Unfortunately our meeting is so short because I was in an appointment with my friends. I left him alone inside the mosque with the mosque’s officer. I left his eyes of amazement of the mosque architecture. I just left him with his promise to send me the photos of us.

I worry bout Lee. I called the motel he stayed, but no one hang up the phone. Tomorrow he’ll go to another country—New Zealand if I’m not mistake. I wish he’s okay… I hope he can get back home safely. I wish God blessed him and give him ‘hidayah’.

I’ll await for the opportunity to meet him again. Well, actually he asked me to be his ‘guide’ today, but I can’t. I have to go to work. If I can ‘runaway’ from my routine, I won’t refuse Lee’s request. I’d like to walk around Jakarta with Lee.

Well Lee, if you read this story, I bet you think what I’m thinking… This story isn’t complete without your photos! As you promise me, you’ll send me those photos… So, I’ll complete this story with photos from you.

Lee, I just want you to know that it was really nice to meet you. I hope we’ll keep in touch and I wish we’ll have opportunity to meet again someday. Miss you pal!



PS. Thanx Lee, I’ve up-dated this story with your photos!

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Blog Entry Kisah Imam Apr 13, ’06 3:53 AM
for everyone

Kisah Imam

Sejak jam enam pagi Muhammad Imam sudah berada di ‘tempat kerjanya’. Anak 6 tahun itu harus mencari uang dengan mengemis di jembatan penyebrangan di kawasan UKI, Jakarta Timur. Jangankan sekolah, untuk makan sehari-hari saja cukup sulit buat Imam dan kedua orang tuanya. Imam sekeluarga hanya makan dua kali sehari setiap hari. “Pengen sekolah, tapi gak ada biaya,” ujar anak yang belum bisa baca tulis ini.

Ayah Imam bekerja sebagai penjual poster tak jauh dari tempatnya mengemis. Menurut Imam, penghasilan ayahnya hanya Rp 5000 sehari. Ibunya tidak bekerja, hanya menunggui Imam dari kejauhan. Sulung empat bersaudara itu tinggal bertiga dengan kedua orang tuanya di gubug di pinggir kali, tak jauh dari tempatnya mengemis.

“Adik saya tiga, tinggal sama kakek dan nenek di Lampung,” ujar Imam yang lahir di Lampung.

Sejak jam enam pagi hingga delapan malam, Imam hanya duduk atau tiduran di tangga jembatan penyebrangan sambil memegang gelas bekas air mineral. Penghasilan anak yang selalu lusuh dan kotor itu mencapai Rp 20 ribu setiap hari. “Soalnya kalau pagi-pagi suka ada abang-abang yang baik, suka kasih Rp 10 ribu,” ujar Imam yang bercita-cita jadi ABRI.

Meski demikian, tak jarang Imam dimarahi ibunya kalau penghasilannya sehari sedikit. “Sekarang saya disuruh Mamak dapat Rp 25 ribu sehari,” papar anak yang ingin sekali sekolah ini.

Sebelumnya Imam pernah mengamen di lampu merah. Tapi karena larinya tidak seberapa kencang, maka Imam memutuskan untuk beralih ‘profesi’. “Kalau ngamen suka dikejar-kejar trantib,” aku anak yang sudah beberapa kali ditangkap aparat keamanan ini.

Bagi Imam, seperti itulah nasibnya sebagai anak jalanan. Ia hanya bisa melihat iri anak-anak berseragam sekolah yang melintas di jembatan penyebrangan. Setiap hari ia hanya bisa berdoa, “Ya Allah, berikanlah aku rizki. Semoga rizkiku banyak hari ini, supaya bisa bantu Bapak dan Mamakku, dan aku bisa sekolah,” pintanya. [jat]

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  1. thanks my dear…….finally I’m going to have my own house today. I feel like flying now….^^please appricate if I don’t reply or write e-mail to you, but I’m always thinking of you andto dream our next meeting ..^^

  2. yeah… when will we meet again?

  3. teh…terjemahin dunk!imut juga hehehehe:D

  4. well, buka kamus ajah 😉

  5. Jat, kayanya si lee ini keren yaaa.. mirip sama Won Bin gakss??btw, gw kaga kerja2 nehhh… lagi malesss mode-on heheeee

  6. onlyme26 said: Jat, kayanya si lee ini keren yaaa.. mirip sama Won Bin gakss??btw, gw kaga kerja2 nehhh… lagi malesss mode-on heheeee

    Won Bin tuh sapa?? :payo kerja kerja!! hehehe…


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